Spinal Neurology and Manual Therapy
(& not only...)

  Вертеброневрология и мануальная терапия
(& не только...)


Коричневый цвет - русская версия
Green Color - English version

Клиника восстановления здоровья
Body Rehabilitation Clinic

Виды лечения - Treatment Modalities




Body Rehabilitation Clinic
(AMTE Site)


Treatment Types


Американский Фонд изучения позвоночной неврологии
Orthopedic Neurology Research Fund

Цель Фонда - Fund's Goal


From Board Directory


Методические пособия


Учебные пособия


Об авторе


About the Author


Proceedings. Publications


Message to Colleagues


Невропатология и лечение межпозвонкового остеохондроза
Intervertebral Osteochondrosis' Neuropathology and Treatment

Как расставаться с хронической болью? (Беседа о восстановлении здоровья)


Повсеместные боли


Малоизвестная в США ортопедическая неврология


Less-known Spinal Neurology


Развитие отечественной вертеброневрологии


Нейрохирургия остеохондроза


Проблема века или вечная проблема?!


Сомнительные подходы в вертеброневрологии и мануальной терапии


Отечественные черты мануальной терапии


Вазодистонии и ишемии




Межпозвонковый остеохондроз в Евразии и Америке


Полвека остеохондроза


Бенефиты манипуломании


Линия отчуждения


Медицинские сюрпризы


"Клиническая пропедевтика мануальной терапии" Монография


Отзыв на монографию


Своеобразие текущего момента


В защиту суверенитета вертеброневрологии


О создателе клинической дисциплины
About the Founder

Ближайший взгляд


От последователей


Патриарх неврологии


Феномен Якова Попелянского


Об Отце и его Деле


Казань - Сиэтл


Он опережал время


Памяти Я. Ю. Попелянского


In memory of Professor Yakov Popelyanskiy


Основополагающие первоисточники - Spinal Neurology Textbooks


Руководство и монографии по неврологии


Some Articles


Другие книги профессора Я. Попелянского


Opinions of World prominent Specialists


Статья из Неврологического Журнала




Идеи Проф. Я. Ю. Попелянского в Америке


Гений и злодейство


Последнее интервью


Я люблю Вас живого


Научная биография


"Запоздалое открытие"


Я. Ю. и Политбюро


Компетенция и некомпетенция


О Солженицыне


Антисемитизм глазами невропатолога


Медицина в США глазами иммигранта-врача


Я. Ю. и поэзия






Хобби и отдых
Hobby and Entertainment





Бальзам прошлого


Вне расписания


Уроки балкарского...


Брызги шампанского...






О названии


Нескромная прелесть провинции


Вокруг "Возвращения"








Лицемерие и ханжество


Вокруг да около




Конец света


Трагическое разочарование


Обновленное прояснение


Холодная гражданская война


Фашизм и прогресс








        Facts only:
  • Thirty-one million Americans have low back pain at any given time
  • One half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms each year.
  • One third of all Americans over age 18 had a back problem in the past five years severe enough for them to seek professional help.
  • And the cost of this care is estimated to be a staggering $50 Billion yearly--and that's just for the more easily identified costs!
  • These are just some of the astounding facts about Americans and their miserable backs! Is there any wonder why some experts estimate that as many as 80% of all of us will experience a back problem at some time in our lives?

(Materials of American Chiropractic Association)

  • Only 0.3% of patients with intervertebral osteohondrosis who receive multifaceted spinal neurology therapy require neurosurgery.

(Materials of International Vertebroneurology Association)

Because back problems are this common it's probably going to happen to you too!

    Dear Friends,

Our Fund has been established in memory of an honorary member of Euro-Asian Academy, Distinguished Contributor to medical research and development - Professor Jacob Popelansky, M.D., D.Sc. who was the founder of the Vertebroneurology (Spinal Neurology), an original clinical doctrine. We are registered under the 501 (3) Section as non-profit organization.

In the U.S. there is a serious lack of non-surgical treatment of the most widely spread chronic spinal and musculoskeletal pathologies. Integrative healing service of intervertebral osteochondrosis is only in its beginning stages in this country. It is a grandiose niche that “wants” to be filled, and a genuine challenge that needs to be met. Our goal is to integrate the efforts of neurologists, orthopedists, osteopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and acupuncturists, educate them and give the systemic approach in the sake of the sick people. Unification of their experiences based on the efficient approach that is the central feature of spinal neurology therapy drastically diminishes the need in neurosurgery, which often causes many complications. Coordination of applications of the above-mentioned disciplines against this chronic affliction decreases the frequency and shortens duration of complications, relieves pain, and disability without traumatic surgical intervention. According to International Vertebroneurology Association,
The noble mission of Orthopedic Neurology Research Fund (ONRF) is to introduce American physicians to new ideas and tools in order to maximize patient relief and provide them with an efficient holistic approach towards diagnosis and adequate therapy of multiple spinal neurologic diseases – for the sake of suffering patients.

Our activities include:

  • Academic and financial support of clinical and para-clinical research in the field of Spinal Neurology;

  • Education of professionals and general public through seminars, conventions, and classes of continuing education;

  • Writing and publishing of professional manuals, textbooks, and brochures.

Your support of our developing organization will be highly appreciated. Charitable involvement of the community to this cause would indicate a pressing need for the expansion of spinal neurology research and therapy. Furthermore, it would attract financial contributions and support of the federal government.

Charitable resources may be mailed to:

Body Rehabilitation Clinic
20006 Cedar Valley Rd. Building A, Suite 101
Lynnwood, WA 98036

You will receive back the official notification of your non-taxable donation.


ONRF Board Directory